Eiger Ultra Trail 2025
All races are sold out - thank you!
Registration for the Eiger Ultra Trail 2026 opens in autumn 2025. All information about the registration process will be published on this website end of august.
Entry Rules
You will find detailed information on the registration process in the registration regulations. The conditions of participation for registration are based on the competition regulations. Please note that the E250 and E51 Couples finishers will not receive Running Stones as the course will be completed as a team. A change from E51 Couple to Individual is not possible.
A very good physical condition and experience in trail running is a prerequisite for mastering the various distances.
Anyone born in 2005 or before may register to race the E250.
Anyone born in 2007 or before may register to race the E101, E51, E35.
Anyone born in 2009 or before may register to race the E16.
Anyone born in 2011 or before may register to race Trail Surprise.

E250 will have categories as: Female teams, Male teams.
Very good physical condition and experience in trail running is a prerequisite for mastering the different distances. The participant must be able to complete the distances in a partial autonomy (partial self-sufficiency) according to the ethics in trail running. We reserve the right to exclude people from participation.
When registering for the E250 distance, at least one Ultra Trail (min. 100km) finished since 1st january 2022 must be given as a reference or the runner must have a UTMB Index of the category 100K or 100M. The organisation reserves the right to check references.
For the race E101, a lottery will be organized. Runners will have to pre-register on Eiger Ultra Trail by UTMB between October 21, 2024 at 10.00 CET and October 28, 2024 at 23.59 CET. Participation in the lottery is for free.
Results of the lottery will be communicated to runners on October 31, 2024 via an email coming from Trail Run Series Europe.
Runners will have until November 4, 2024 at 23:59 CET to confirm their registration by completing the registration form received in the email (personal link).
The time of registration has no influence on the draw. Participation in the lottery requires a valid UTMB index.
The following forms of participation are possible:
- Single starter
- Mini group
It is not permitted for a person to register several times or for several distances or in different forms of participation. It is not permitted for a single starter to also register in one or several mini groups. A Mini-group consists of 2 – 5 people. Multiple registrations will be ignored.
There will be a draw for the 2024 E101 registration. The winners will be informed by e-mail mail from the sender Trail Run Series Europe with a personal and non-transferable registration link.
If a lottery winner does not duly confirm their participation by paying the entry fee by Wednesday, November 4, 2023, 23:59 CET, they will forfeit their right to a starting place.
A starting place right is also cancelled if a lottery winner transfers the starting place right to another person.
The unlucky entrants will also be notified by email from the sender Trail Run Series Europe. The organiser reserves the right to hold a second draw for the E101 distance at a later date.
The draw will take place in accordance with the timetable. The participants will be informed to this effect. The draw will take place by form of participation and nation.
The forms of participation will be taken into account according to the percentage of incoming registrations. All members of selected mini groups will receive a ticket.
Examples: 65 per cent of registrations are for single starters. 35 per cent are for people in mini groups. Therefore, 65 per cent of the starting places will be issued among the single starters and 35 per cent among the mini groups.
To promote trail running in Switzerland, at least 30 per cent of the E101 starting places are available to persons of Swiss nationality. The starting place quotas for Swiss runners will apply to the starting places in the lottery and also to the guaranteed rights to a starting place.
In order to celebrate international trail running, there will be two guaranteed starting places for each nation entered for a distance. Nations will not be taken into account in the mini groups lottery form.
Examples: Only one person of “xy” nationality registers. He/she receives a guaranteed starting place. As soon as more than two people of the same nationality register, they are all entered into the lottery. Their nationality is checked.
Runners will have time until November 4, 2024 at 23:59 CET to confirm their registration by completing the registration form received in the email (personal link). The time of registration has no influence on the draw. Participation in the lottery requires a valid UTMB index from any UTMB category.
In order to give fair recognition to high level athletes and to ensure a fair management of entry applications, we reserve places for elite athletes according to their Performance Index in the category of the race they chose to compete. Elite runners must register during the registration period. No registration will be accepted after the deadline.
If the distance is lottery based, the elite runners must register at the same time as other athletes.
Once a distance is sold out, the event organiser has the right to refuse an elite registration.
All elites must register to a race at least 60 days before the race. See the requirements to qualify as an elite athlete here: Elite Runner Registration Benefits
The following guaranteed starting place rights apply for 2025:
- Members of the Eiger Ultra Trail Quartz Club, rules below
- Overall podium of distances from the previous year, rules below
- Category winners of the distances from the previous year, rules below
- Top athletes according to UTMB Index
- Participants who have been ranked at least five times
- Starting places for participants on the Discover E101 & E51 Camp
- Starting places for the Eiger Ultra Trail Summit Package
- Starting places for locals, rules below
- Starting places for Trail Running Camp providers (limited)
- Starting places for tour operators (limited)
- Starting places for the organiser for partners and own purposes (e.g. marketing etc.)
The authorised persons and organisations will receive a starting place of their choice against payment of the entry fee. These starting places are only valid for the 2025 event and are non-transferable.
The following special rules apply for the rights to a starting place:
Members of the Eiger Ultra Trail Quartz Club
The members enjoy a right to a starting place of their choice. We will send a personal registration link to all the members of the Quartz Club mid of october and they have the opportunity to register until October 29th, 2024 at 23:59 CET.
Starting places for overall podium and category winners
The overall podium as well as the category winners from the previous year have a starting place right for a distance of their choice. The starting places are valid for one year and are non-transferable. An overall podium position and win in a category do not result in two starting place rights.
Participants who have been ranked at least five times
Having been ranked for the registered distance at least five times, these participants receive a guaranteed individual starting place of their choice. These people will receive a personal registration link mid of October and have the opportunity to register until October 29th, 2024 at 23:59 CET.
Starting places for locals
People who have lived and paid tax in the Grindelwald community of residence for at least three years can register with us directly by June 21, 2025. In the event that the person cannot take part, the starting place may only be transferred to a local resident.
- E250 CHF 495.95, increasing to 528.65 from January 1, 2025
- E101 CHF 277.95
- E51 CHF 201.65
- E35 CHF 174.40
- E16 CHF 76.30
- Trail Surprise CHF 54.50
The prices include VAT (2.5%) and a 10% processing fee from the registration platform NJUKO. Administrative fees will not be refunded in the event of a cancellation.
- Race Bib
- Access to aid stations
- Route markings
- Public Transport to the start line E35
- Transport of the spare bags (depending on the distance)
- Transport of the drop bags (depending on the distance)
- Use of public transportation in case of DNF
- Risk Management
- Timing & intermediate timing
- Organization & logistics
- Medical assistance
- Participant Gift
- Pasta Party
- Massage services
- Side Events
- After race services
a) To another runner:
Registration is personal and cannot be transferred to another runner. We strongly recommend that you take out private cancellation insurance.
b) To another race of the same event:
It is possible to transfer a registration to a shorter distance until 3 weeks (June 20, 2025) before the event and in the limit of places available. In this case, no refund will be made. The event organiser must be contacted directly via email. Transfers are only available is the new distance is not sold out.
a) Registration cancellation insurance:
We strongly recommend that you take out private cancellation insurance.
b) Refund without insurance:
If the runner does not subscribe to a private cancellation insurance, the refund policy below applies for distances falling under 50K category and above (E250, E101, E51 and E35).
- Until (4 months before the event) 60%
- Until (2 months before the event) 30%
- After (2 months before the event) No refund
E16 and Trail Surprise are not entitled to partial refund.
Read the entire policy here: Inclusion & Diversity
You can contact the organiser to benefit a deferral depending on the conditions listed in the link above.
Discover E101 & E51 Camp
Grab your chance to discover the original E101 and E51 course with one of our founders. Receive personal running advice and prepare for race day with insider tips. Participation in the guided offer guarantees you a starting place in 2025 or 2026 on the route of your choice.
Starting places for participants on the Discover the Original Trails.
Registration Confirmation
You will automatically receive a registration confirmation e-mail from our registration partner.
Your age group category fot the event you registered for will be reflective of your age as of December 31 of the event year.
Your name, and the names of other starters, is searchable via the Runner Start List or on UTMB Live prior to your race.
Online registrations are synced to our database within 24 hours. You can login to check your registration status, below:
Race Regulations
Upon successfully registering for the race you automatically accept the race regulations. We reserve the right to make certain alternations wherever necessary, they will be communicated as early as possible. If there are any misspellings, or doubts as to the race regulations which have been translated into English from German, or any other such mistakes, the German race regulations are definitive. In addition, the data protection policy of our time taker and data host Active Works apply.
Be a finisher and a tree planter
As an Eiger Ultra Trail participant, you have the option to forgo your finisher shirt and instead choose to plant a tree or donate to the Grindelwald Forest District. You can select your preferred option when registering. The trees will be planted in the forests of the Grindelwald Forest District, near the Eiger Ultra Trails, where they will be most needed in the future.
The Grindelwald Forest District is committed to the sustainable maintenance of the local habitat, including both the landscape and forests, ensuring that we will continue to be surrounded by impressive nature in the future. With climate change, growing conditions are expected to change markedly in a very short time; where coniferous trees grow today, climatic conditions will favor mixed deciduous forests in 60 years. Currently, the forests around Grindelwald are predominantly spruce, and many stands are over-aged. With your donation, you are supporting the sustainable maintenance of this vital habitat.