Start Numbers will be distributed at the Sports Centre in Grindelwald or Start Arena Burglauenen (E35) at the following times:
Tuesday, 15 July 2025, 14:00 - 19:00 E250
Friday 18 July 2025, 09:00 - 19:00 E101, E51, E35, E16, Trail Surprise & Kids Race
Saturday 19 July 2025
06:00 - 08:45 E16
06.00 - 07.00 E51, only limited spaces available, pre-registration until July 10, 2025 by mail
06:15 - 07:45 E35 in Burglauenen
Attention E35 Competitors: Start Numbers are valid for use as a train ticket from Grindelwald to the race Start in Burglauenen on 19 July 2025. Competitors choosing to pick up their Start Number in Burglauenen on race day will forego this offer. If mandatory equipment is not on hand at the control in Burglauenen, it has no possibility to purchase equipment on site.
Each competitor is responsible for collecting his or her own Start number. The QR code which each runner will receive by e-mail one week before the event must be presented when collecting the race number.
At the Start Number Distribution each competitor will receive:
Start Number
This should be worn on the chest, stomach or on the leg. It must be visible during the entire race. The Start Number allows entry to the Refreshment Zones, Medical and Rest Zones, as well as to the clothing/Bag Drop/Depot area and showers. It can also be used as a transport ticket to return to Grindelwald. For E35 Competitors the Start Number is also a transport ticket for the train from Grindelwald to the Start in Burglauenen. The start number comes with a disposable chip to measure your time. Your start number does not have to be handed in at the end.
GPS-Tracker for E101 Competitors only
All runners in the E101 are issued with a GPS tracker along with their bib number. The GPS tracker must be worn as instructed throughout the race. It is handed back at the end of the race. Runners will be charged CHF 90.00 if they do not return their GPS tracker!
Drop bag (bag 35l) for E101 and E35
E101 competitors may deposit their belongings in bags provided. Bags should be deposited next to the Startgate on Saturday between 03:30 - 04:00. The bags will then be transported by the race organiser to the check point in Burglauenen (approx. half way on the E101), and then returned later to the finish area. The first bags can be picked up from the bag depot, on presentation of the Start number, at the curling rink from approx. 16:00 on Saturday.
Runners on course E35 will receive a drop bag for clothes, shoes and effects. This will be transported from the Burglauenen start area to the finish and will be ready for collection in the curling hall after the finish.
Citymap Grindelwald & Event Arena